Thursday, December 06, 2007

My car is smart....

You gotta love your car when it is smart enough to tell you that you have "low traction" when you are driving on solid ice. Like I couldn't figure that out for myself. Does anybody actually depend on their car for trying to figure out whether or not it is slippery out????

I just got a check from Mr.Rebates for $62.02. I got that much money just for buying things that I would have bought anyways. And I have at least $25 pending. I heart

Tomorrow night is KDWB's Jingle Ball concert. I want nothing more than to be closed in with 50,000 screaming people. At least I get to see Avril Lavigne in concert, and that has always been a dream of mine?!?!?

I know I should be exercising right now. But I don't want to. and who's going to make me?

I went to a Longaberger basket party last night. I spent $62 on 4 candles, so in defiance I stole a Longaberger pen. I'm sure the hostess would have told me I could have it if I would have asked, but it wouldn't have made me feel victorious had I gotten permission to take it. But is it really stealing if she would have given it to me? I say not. Plus, didn't she kind of give it to me when she shoved it at me with the order form and catalogs? Does anyone (besides my sister) spend $82 for one little basket? The prices are insane.

Ok, now that I feel guilty about the pen, I have to go exercise.

1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

Speaking of "low trac", Ziz called in a panic on Saturday because her car's "low trac" light kept coming on.