Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Well I guess it's a brand new day after all
Every time we hear the curtain call

Yes, tonight is the New Kids on the Concert. I am way freekin' excited. I have been listening to my greatest hits cd and feeling nostalgic. I so remember why I hearted New Kids. The music, while very cheesy, is excellent. I still love every song. And I still love Joey McIntyre. I feel so junior high, but I've been waiting for this night since we first started talking about buying the tickets in March. They want on sale in June, so I have known I'm going for 5 months! That's almost half a year. It better be worth the wait.

I'm still trying to decide what to wear. This shouldn't be such a hard decision. I'm also debating about leaving work early. But I have tomorrow off so I have to get some work done. Not much being done today, just listening to my nkotb cd.

Ok- work to do so I can leave on time!

1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

Baba has been waiting since July to watch Dora Saves the Snow Princess a.k.a mom wants to gouge her eyes and ears out or at the very least take a nap while subjected to this torture. He's only 3. His wait has been longer. Glad you had fun. The right stuff, oh baby. I can't really remember much more. i think I was in 2nd grade when NKTB were kewl