Monday, August 30, 2010

A fan club? For me?

My bff Zam has created a facebook fan club for me. At this moment I have 34 fans. If I'm counting myself. Can you even believe that Zam-Zam would bestow such an honor on me? Pretty sure that he is starting it now so that when I am a famous actress he can say that he started the very first club to wprship my talents. Or he was bored.

We are having a 2nd trailer park reunion at the legion. Pretty sure I'm going to get drunk. Especially since I haven't for months and months. And yes, I grew up in a trailer park. And I am very, very trashy. Or not.

I went to a Vikings pre-season game last Saturday night with my sister, Zisa. And I only had to watch Favre play for the first half. Still not a fan, but I haven't said one bad things about him tso far this season. It's not his fault he sucks. And that I hold a grudge. I had the company seats: lower level, row 16, 40 yard line. Best seats in the house!! You wouldn't want to be any closer. And the row in front of us was partially empty, so Zenny, who has season tickets in row 999999, came down to sit by me. Haven't seen her for ages, so that was great.

My dryer broke. There is no heat it in, but it does work with cold air. Which doesn't really dry anything. So I went over to my dad's yesterday to use his washer and dryer. His washer and dryer are electronical and extremely complicated. I think he told me that with all the options and choices available, there are 279 different ways you can wash your clothes. My washer has a "start" button. I did 5 loads and watched 2 movies while I was at his house. At least I have clean clothes.

Ok, off to see if somehow I got a 35th member in my fan club.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog. Consider me your fan Jennie. Be mine too? Add yourself at Blogger and Facebook. My fan club,