Saturday, March 28, 2015

I want my mommy......

Every now and then I have one of those moments where I really, really miss my mom and could use her advice. Today was one of those times. I can imagine that the 50's era housewife in her would tell me to suck it up and take care of my house and home and just do the dang dishes and not expect anyone to clean up after themselves because the mom will do everything. But not everyone can be as good of a wife/mom/housekeeper as she was.

I suspect that the mom in her would do exactly what I need right now, she'd hug me and tell me that everything is going to be okay, and everything will work out exactly as it should, and that she loves me no matter what choices I make. Then she'd go back to 50's housewife role and shake me and ask me what the hell I'm doing.

"Everything always works out okay, because we believe and we hope and we pray...."

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