Monday, July 06, 2015

Sometimes I'd like to quit, nothin' ever seems to fit.....

Rainy Days and Mondays......yeah, it seems like its going to be one of those mornings. Nothing specific is wrong, I just kinda want to go home and go back to bed. And not think. Or feel. Brilliant idea: I should probably stop listening to The Carpenters and find something a bit more upbeat.

It's a 4 day week, and Friday is going to be a total "ME" day. I am contemplating a hair cut. Well, a trim. And I am going to watch Breakfast at Tiffany's for the 18 billionth time. And redo my nail color to the new one I bought. And possibly a pedicure. And maybe tanning. Or I could lay outside in the actual sun. And pretty much do nothing else. And I always have Netflix! So many options!

I guess it's time to pretend like I'm working.....
And a little bit of this:

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