Monday, October 12, 2015

You'll never see me fall from grace.....

Monday....I had a pretty good weekend. Friday night little Layla came over and we played for a few hours. Saturday I actually showered and got dressed to go to the gas station because I really, really wanted a diet coke. Then I went home and marathon-watched Toddlers & Tiara's. Because I love a good train wreck. And I needed a break from zombies and legal dramas.

Yesterday I went back to watching Person of Interest. I'm on season 3 and I still don't even know if I like it. But yet I keep watching. In an unusual turn of events, I went on the treadmill last night. I usually take weekends off, but I really felt like I needed to walk a couple miles. Glad I did, I have a Halloween costume to fit into in a couple weeks.

Yes, I'm wearing yoga pants today. Because I can. And also, I am so over bangs. They never act like bangs and they want to stick straight up. Not sure what to do with them.

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