Thursday, November 19, 2015

She's half out of her head.............

Thursday! Or the day before Friday!! I'm so ready for the weekend!

Tonight after a quick trip to the grocery store (I haven't been to Target in nearly 6 days!) I'm going to watch Layla for awhile. I think I'm going to introduce her to RHCP and see if she likes them. She loves Shinedown!! My life has become "baby" and it's not even my kid! lol

Just a few more days until the Vikings game! I am so excited!

I think/hope that I'm getting new furniture this weekend. Well, new to me. My sister is selling me her stuff for practically free. And its way nicer and cleaner than what we've got. I just need to be able to work out the logistics. and I need to get the other decision-maker (haha) in my house to agree.
and this:

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