Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Surrender all your dreams to me tonight.....

Wednesday! And I am wearing socks today, but only because I'm wearing boots. With a dress. Because I'm ready for spring. And flip flops!!

I had a super nice chat yesterday with a lady I met playing Bingo Blitz. I have met some of the nicest people playing that game. I just wish the game itself was still as fun as it used to be. They have made some rooms impossible to complete. And there is one room I can't even play because it costs more credits than I get.

I have a friend going through a child support/custody thing right now. It always amazes me how vindictive some people can be. Children should not be used as a pawn, it's not a game! The best advice I've ever been given is to "love your kids more than you hate your ex". And it is the most true thing ever. Kids need both of their parents. And the parents need to be able to put their adult issues aside and focus on the kids.

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