Tuesday, June 07, 2016

It's only fear that makes you run.....

Tuesday! Weigh in day! In a few hours I will know exactly how the ice cream affected my weight goal. But I'm feeling pretty okay about it. We'll see.....

So last night on my way home from work I encountered a super big jackass. Traffic was stop and go,and I was just driving along minding my own business. An old guy on a motorcycle in the next lane started screaming at me. I turned the music down to hear what he was saying. Apparently he saw my equality sticker and was yelling that I was a "homo" or a "homo-lover" and a whole bunch of other nice things. It took a lot to not turn my car into him and run him down. But I didn't. And I also didn't yell anything back because really, what would it accomplish?

I've never really had to deal with that sort of asshattery, and I really, really wanted to call him some horrible names. But the truth is that I feel kind of sorry for him. It must be horrible to have so much hate in your heart for someone you don't even know. I'm not gay, but I do support gay rights. And I'm nice to people who are nice to me. Wouldn't the world be such a better place if everyone could be nice to each other?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

asshater, Im gonna have to use that one!!lol Sorry you had to deal with that, that sucks!! Good for you for not dropping down to his level. You are a sweetheart!!! Mitty