Tuesday, January 16, 2018

I tried my imagination, but I was disturbed....

Tuesday! And I need a reminder to make pedi appointments for me and ZarahZou. We are overdue. I've had to paint my own toenails three times since our last pedicure.

I spent all of last night achieving (??) level 1076 in Bubble Pop Fever. I'm both horrified and proud of myself. I've also been playing this other app called Choices and it's like a "choose your own adventure" story. But all of the really good choices involve spending actual money. I've been wearing the same dress for the whole social season and I know that Prince Joey McIntyre (you can name the prince yourself) will not choose me because I did not wear the current Cordonia fashion to the ball. Because it would have cost me $4.99 US. It's a fun story, but I just wish that more choices were free.

Today's Lula is a purple Perfect (Skol!!), digital flower leggings and a sparkly white Lindsay.
Last night's Lula-Jammies was "wonder woman" leggings and an Irma.


1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

Make pedi appointments! I hate talking on the phone. I'm still traumatized from having to get my BC filled.