Monday, May 11, 2015

I'll bet you think this song is about you, Don't you? Don't you?

I had a fantastic Mothers Day. The princess and I spent the day playing cards and then we watched Clueless, which is one of those awesome movies that you can watch over and over and it's good every single time! She made me some awesome homemade foot scrub and lotion, which I love. But it wasn't the wonderful presents, it was spending time with her. I'm so lucky!!

Yesterday I made a set of note cards, and they are going to come in super handy for my next betterment project. I started reading Don't Sweat the Small Stuff....and its all small stuff. Yes, this book is almost 20 years old and I'm a little late getting on the bandwagon. But now, today, is when I need the messages the most. I need to find a way to reduce the stress and toxic thoughts I sometimes have. I want to be a loving and forgiving person towards everyone, even the people I don't really like or the people that I don't feel like deserve it. Because I want to feel that everyone deserves it.

Some of my actions have not been conducive to aspiring to be a good person. Like writing a blog post with the sole intent of making someone feel guilty or bad for hurting me. That's just really not fair to them. Everyone needs to take the actions that make the most sense to their life. I don't need to agree with what anyone else does. But I do need to accept it. I should not be projecting my hurt on to anyone else. They don't deserve it. And I'm sorry.

This being a better person thing is going to be a process. But I'm committed. The book has a lot of projects, and I'm going to try my hardest to complete them every single day. So first up:

I want to say thank you to my third grade teacher, Kris Gruber. There is very little chance she will remember me, and no chance she will remember what she wrote in my end of the school year "autograph" book. But its something that has stuck with, even though it's been over 30 years! I knew even in third grade that I loved writing and wanted to write, and even needed to write. She wrote a note encouraging me to continue writing. And it validated my desire to write. I don't want to write a novel, I just want to write for the sake of writing. And my blog fulfills that desire. And I owe Miss Gruber a huge thanks for her seemingly simple words that have had a huge impact on me!

and this:

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