Monday, January 11, 2016

Although I wasn't there, he said I was his friend.....

I said I would never again delete a blog post, and I'm standing by that even though I should delete my post from Saturday night. But I will save it as a reminder of how I should not be irrational and emotional. Because that's not who I want to be. And I'm not giving up writing for anyone. I think I need it. I just need to remember that there are always 3 sides to every story, and I need to get all of the info before I get upset or hurt or angry. And now on to my life:

It's Monday. I went to bed super early last night. Probably because I didn't sleep at all Saturday night. The Vikings.....yeah, the Vikings. I don't really want to talk about the game. Being born a Vikings fan is the worst fate ever. But I'm ready for next year. And I finally get to wash my socks!!!!

The Princess created the most wonderfullest casserole thing ever. It's Mac and cheese, hamburger and bacon topped with French fries. It is phenomenal!!

I made a huge mistake this morning and decided not to wash my hair. I did take a shower, but decided to skip that part. And so now I feel like my hair is all greasy. It's probably not, but I feel that way.

The super mega rolls of Charmin toilet paper suck! You can't put them on the toilet paper spinny thing because it won't spin because the roll is too big. I only bought it because it was on Ibotta, cartwheel, and I had coupons and I got a gift card for buying 2. But what a mistake! That's my sob story for the day. Back to work!!!

R.I P.David Bowie

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