Wednesday, January 27, 2016

That ain't nothin' but ten cent lovin'.....

Wednesday/'s so hard to come back to work after 4 days off. I have 26 voice mails. And more emails than I care to mention.

Someone told me that I was uptight and conservative. I'm not sure that they necessarily meant it in a bad way, but it certainly got me thinking. And I realized as I was starching the sleeves of my shirt that maybe it's true. I do tend to play by the rules and I like routine. This morning I broke from my routine and only brushed my teeth once. I'm living on the edge.

But I guess the real discussion is if circumstances made me who I am, or if I am the way I am because of circumstances. There have been many, many parts of my life that have truly sucked. I've been through a lot, more than anyone should have to go through. And that I'm reasonably sane is somewhat of a miracle. I still struggle with some things, and maybe that's why I like routine. I like to be able to control some things. I need to be able to control some things. I learned a long time ago that you can't control what other people do. But I can be in control of myself. And because life is so uncertain and situations are so tenuous, I need to hang on to the aspects of it that I have control over.

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