Thursday, February 11, 2016

Once I ran to I run from you.....

The day before Friday! (Insert tired joke about Thursday being my 4th favorite day of the week). I'm actually considering going to a real party Friday night. Not even a glee event, a party. But I'm also thinking about how nice it is to put on my pajamas and watch Netflix. These choices!!

I've been watching Nurse Jackie, and I really like it. But I must admit I'm jealous of how easy it is for her to get pills. Sometimes I would kill for half a dozen Vicodin or a handful of Valium. But, no! Not going down that road. Instead I will live vicariously through her.

I wonder if I am the only 40 year without little kids that has been carrying a copy of The Little Mermaid in her handbag since Sunday? I bought it on Sunday and threw it my purse and just haven't gotten around to taking it out. I could lie and say I bought it for Layla, but the truth is that it is my favorite Disney movie. I know I've given up on at least one real life fairy tale, but I can't help hoping that I will find another happy ending somewhere else.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't know if fairy tales exist...if they do they are just a silly Disney movie....right? We can still be princesses though