Friday, February 26, 2016

Someone's gonna tell you lies, Cut you down to size.....

So C-C-W and I decided that we are going to run for president as a team. We would do a very good job, and we come up with the best ideas ever!! I could decorate the White House with glitter and she could set up a tiki bar in the Oval Office. Our platform would be generosity, kindness, and Netflix for everyone!! We are super good negotiators, excellent drink makers, and I have super google skills. I think our first act of office will be to mandate that Veronica Mars produces new episodes. After we get that done we will deal with social security and health care reform. Out of all of our schemes and plans, this is really the most brilliant idea we've ever imagined!!

Zindy and I are in the process of organizing our first philanthropic event- a fundraiser for pancreatic cancer. Someone we know is battling it right now and we want to make a donation in her honor. Lots of work to do today with purple paper and purple streamers!!!

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