Monday, July 25, 2016

I recognized the flair.....

MONDAY!! I'm back at work from a very nice, long vacation. In which I did absolutely nothing productive! BEST VACATION EVER!! But it is so hard to be back. Getting out of bed this morning was so hard!

I had a nice time visiting with my sister and nephew. I did a lot of shopping. Me and the Princess (and her little brother) went to see The Purge: Election Year. It was okay, not really my kind of movie. But the kids liked it.

I saw Duran Duran and Chic. That was a pretty good concert. Chic was very good, I like disco music. Although I think they played a bit too long. The Princess is not really a disco fan, so she got bored after about 15 minutes. Duran Duran was really good. They dedicated "Save a Prayer" in their encore to Prince, so that was really nice.

I also saw Air Supply, and they were FANTASTIC!!!! Graham Russell came out to our side of the audience, and I got a picture with him. It's a bad picture of me, but what an awesome thing to have happened. And then when C-C-W and I rushed the stage, he handed me a guitar pick!! Obviously he is in love with me.

Aside from a ton of shopping, that was my vacation. But now I'm back at work and so my blog is back too!!

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