Thursday, July 07, 2016

I see thru you, I see thru you....

Thursday!! That means tomorrow is Friday!! Yay!! For a short week, it's feeling like a long week. Last night I went over to ZammyZou's for curry and Dolores Claiborne. I've only seen the movie once and it was a super long time ago, so it was nice to watch it again. Tonight is a bday dinner with my mother-in-law. Friday is something with M, not sure what yet. Saturday is something with C-C-W. I'm not sure when I am going to fit in laundry and sleep.

Day 2 with no splint. And I ditched the sling because it was getting in the way. It hurts, but I'm trying to suck it up.

I signed up to do a 5k with ZarahZou in August. There is no way I will be in shape enough to run it, but I will finish it. It just may take several hours.

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