Friday, April 17, 2015

I've got pride I'm takin' it for a ride......

I had an excellent time last night with ZarahZou. Brigit was the STAR in The Little Mermaid, and she was awesome! I think she has a really bright future ahead of her! The only down point was that this was not the Disney version of the play and there was no happy ending. Just like in real life, huh? lol

I have had to hide so many people on my facebook so they don't go through my newsfeed. I do not understand the need to plaster your relationship all over the place. Why the need for everyone to know how "wonderful" your relationship is? If you love someone, tell them. No need to make a facebook post about it. Unless you need people to see it?? Relationships are between two people, period. And any relationship that needs facebook "likes" to validate it is NOT a healthy relationship.

And I will also never understand the girlfriends/fiances/wives of men who cheat and then blame the girls and not their men. If someone cheats, especially multiple times, then there is clearly something wrong with the relationship. And it takes two to tango!  But, hey, if you make a facebook post about how much you love your man then it negates the actual cheating! And if the guy tells his girl that the one he cheated with was throwing herself at him and is in love with him and pursuing him, then it is okay that he slept with her somewhere between 7 and 19 times. LMAO Some of these situations are so dang amusing!

Sometimes I wonder why I even have a facebook. Then I remember that I love Bingo Blitz and that C-C-W and I have exchanged nearly 30,000 messages. And THAT is why I still have a facebook!

............Bye bye, bye bye my baby, bye bye

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