Thursday, April 09, 2015

Just when I believed I couldn't ever want for more.....

So we are going through a system conversion at work and have been unable to access our customer database management system. My work is stacking up! But I am still going to take a vacay day tomorrow to get a pedicure with ZammyZou. I love pedicures!!! And the calendar says its spring, even if the thermometer disagrees.

Last night I really wanted candy, but the only thing I could find in the house was this:

And I really don't like yogurt, but I wanted candy. So I ate all of the yogurt and was about to eat the M&M's. But then I looked up and saw the treadmill and knew that I needed to start making better choices. So, I did not eat the M&M's. This makes me both happy and sad. Happy because I am capable of making good decisions sometimes, but sad because I really wanted the candy! But in the end it is just not worth the guilt that I would feel for working so hard but throwing away it all away for a handful of M&M's that I don't need and really am not sure if I even wanted.

And then just as I type that I'm making good decisions, my manager brings me this:
There really is a conspiracy against me!!!

......This ever changing world pushes me through another door

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