Thursday, August 20, 2009

Yes, I know I still have a blog...

I have not blogged in what seems like forever. But I haven't really had much to blog about. My life has been consumed by two things - my mom and work. All of my time and energy has been focused on those two things, and neither are topics that belong in my blog.

But now that I am starting to get back into what is the new "normal", I'm planning on blogging a lot more. Something exciting- I am going to be doing my first ever 5k in September. I have no doubt that I can finish it, I've walked many more than 3 miles, I'm more focused on finishing it by hopefully running/jogging the whole way. Thank you, ZarahZou, for asking me to do this with you. This has been an excellent way to both focus on something positive and get a lot of exercise. I have been on the treadmill every night trying to get myself ready.

Sometime down the road I am planning on volunteering for a hospice program. I'm not ready yet, but eventually I know that it would be a really rewarding experience to visit with patients that are in hospice. I'm thinking that by the spring I should be able to do this. It would be wonderful to be able to give back something to the program that offered so much to my family.

ZickyZou and I are strongly considering moving to Minnetonka. We could rent a place with more room than we have now, for less than our mortgage. And since we both work in Minnetonka, we would save a total of 80 miles per day in commuting. At first I was hesitant about an apartment, but really what is the difference between an apartment and a townhouse? I think home ownership is way overrated. Every time something breaks, we need to pay to fix it. We've spent $1000 on our furnace over the past 3 years. I am okay with renting, and if we made a list of the pro's and con's about moving, there are way more pro's. The money savings, the commute, gas, and we would definitely go with a place that has a swimming pool. and a work out room. Then we wouldn't have a treadmill and an elliptical machine in our living room. We won't be making any moves until the spring, but I'm thinking that it makes the most sense to start packing.

So the Vikings signed Brett Fav-re. I've never been a big fan of him, and that has not changed. I could write pages about my objections to signing him ( like that he's 78 years old, he flip-flops more than I do after a pedicure, and his name is pronounced wrong) , but it's just not worth my time. Maybe later.

Ok, it's way past my bedtime......

1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

I have lots of info on different ways of "returning" your house....I've missed your blog