Saturday, August 22, 2009

Two in the same week!

Maybe blogging will become a regular thing again. lol I spent the day in Becker at a family reunion. We have one every year, my moms side of the family. Kinda weird without her being there. But I'm glad we went. Lots of food, it was very hard to eat just a regular amount, especially from the dessert table. I could eat brownies all day. But I just had one. And next year, I get to be on the reunion planning committee. I am very good at committees.

I forgot I had an ipod, but I do. And I decided I should use it. So as I running/walking on the treadmill, I pulled out the pretty hot pink ipod. I know a lot of people say that they like all types of music, but I when I say I do, I really mean it. My ipod (thank you MissZalyssa for loading it) has such a wide variety of my favorite cd's. Nirvana, Hole, Poison, Martina McBride, Wilson Phillips, George Michael, Foreigner, Elton John, Everclear. It is a good mix of all of my fav's.

I finished my 3 miles in 44:10 today, so I am certain that I will be 5k ready next month. I was so tempted to take today off, it is Saturday and you shouldn't have to exercise on Saturdays, right? But then I remembered that it is not strictly for exercise, and that if I don't do it today, tomorrow will be that much harder. And plus what if I really need a day off sometime?? So I ran/walked and am glad I did.

I'd like to spend the day on the couch tomorrow in front of the tv, but I think I may need to go to the grocery store. I hate to get dressed for such a quick trip, maybe ZickyZou will stop and pick up a couple things? That would be so nice of him. And he's such a nice guy (as I type, he's looking over my shoulder).

Okay, it's midnight and I'm tired.

1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

Um, you do need to take a couple rest days for your body to recover, especially after a long run/walk or a speed run/walk. It helps prevents injuries the girl who has been running on a broken toe types.