Monday, August 23, 2010


I can't believe that summer is almost over. This has been one of the best summers I can remember in a very long time. But, on the other hand, it is also the summer that I became certifiably loony toons cuckoo clock crazy, so maybe not?? I have learned a lot about me these past couple of months. And I have also learned that I have the best friends that anybody could ask for. When I really needed them, they were here for me. And that is despite the fact that all the drama I was going through was completely my fault. They listened, they didn't judge (to my face), and they offered the advice that I needed to hear. So, ZarahZou, Zosie, and Zam: I zove you all. Thank you!

This is also the summer that I met my bff Zam. I am so grateful for all of the times you listened to me whine about the mess I created. And you didn't hold my bad choices against me. I love knowing that I have multiple people that I can really count on, and I'm not sure if I've felt that before.

Then, of course, there are the things that led me to a near breakdown. And I'm a little bit sad that I lost a few people that I found out I couldn't trust or count on. So, to the boy who looks like a goat, coffee guy, and ex-therapist-guy: I don't regret to have met you, but I most certainly regret that I trusted you all with my inner-most thoughts and dreams and feelings. Maybe I was too forthcoming with personal information? Or maybe I just am that naive? If nothing else, I will no longer immediately trust or believe the new people I meet. I have always been pretty good at judging people's character. Until you 3. and it sucks to get so completely f*cked over 3 times in 2 months. But I think going through these situations has helped me to find myself. And I am not nearly as cuckoo clock as I was in June. And yeah, maybe it's all the prescription drugs. Or maybe it's just the experiences I had that made me see who I am and who I want to be. Although the drugs are certainly nice. ;)

And so, I am ready to bid adieu to summer and move forward into the fall. Fall means football and it means it is almost time for college basketball. Even with Favre as the quarterback, I am looking forward to an excellent season. I'm going to the game next Saturday, and even though it's pre-season, it's still exciting. And with the good news that Mbakwe will be playing for the Gopher's, I can not wait for the first tip off. It is going to be a great basketball season!!

So much to look forward to..........

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