Thursday, November 01, 2007

I have two major problems....

and they are not very funny, so don't laugh.

First, I think I am addicted to Chai Tea drinks from Starbucks. Chai Tea Latte's, Chai Tea Frappachino's, Chai Tea whatevers. I love them all. And at over $4 a drink, this addiction is nearly as bad as coke. Is there a support group for quitting Starbucks? I am going to need to get a part-time job to support this bad habit.

Second, I really think I like the Jonas Brothers. Not in like a "they are so cute way", but in a way like "every song they sing is catchy and cute and gets stuck in my head". Is that bad? I'm 30-ish and I like listening to a teeny-bopper boy band.

First Gopher's game of the season is on tonight. Allegedly I supposedly can watch it on-line. I hope that is true. I would be sad to not be able to watch the start of basketball season. I heart Gopher's basketball.

Ok, I have to super-exercise a lot tonight to burn off the calories of my Chai Tea Frap. It only has like 7000 calories, so 18 hours on the elliptical shall take care of it.

1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

I have never had one. Maybe someday. I know my sister dealt with a pretty bad addiction last year or so.