Monday, November 05, 2007

I tried sushi....

and I didn't die. MissZalyssa had an extreme fascination with buying sushi from the Target deli. So I finally gave in about bought her the California Roll for $5.00. I tried a piece, and it wasn't awful. It wasn't actually good, but it wasn't terrible. Not certain I'd eat it again, but she liked it. I guess that that is what's important.

I got a flu shot today. They make it so easy to get one at work. A nurse comes in, you just show your Medica card and then they shot you int he arm. So now I won't get sick all winter, right? Does the flu shot ward off sinus infections and colds? It should.

I'm getting a pedicure on Saturday. I like pedicures. Yes, it is winter. Yes, it will probably snow tonight. But I am still wearing flip=flops and getting a pedicure. I like pedicures. Plus, just cause it's almost Thanksgiving is really no excuse to not have beautiful toes.

I am debating about getting ready to maybe get started on making my Thanksgiving grocery list. I wish someone would do that for me. I don't mind the cooking, but the planning is just so hard.

Ok, I am going to go have my nutri-dinner.....

1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

I heart sushi. You can't eat sushi when you are pregnant. That sucks. I also heart grocery shopping. You can grocery shop while pregnant.

I'm going to invent clear socks/shoes so you can show off your pedi all winter long but your feet stay toasty warm.