Sunday, November 18, 2007

Kitty's, and T-wolves,and Vikings - Oh My!

Ok, so we got a new cat. Her name is Tabby, and she is a very good kitty. And she likes me. She keeps crawling up on my lap while I'm trying to type. It's rather cute.

I went to the Timberwolves game last night, they lost. But MissZalyssa is planning on becoming a basketball groupie. It's in her genes. ZarahZou, you missed out on a great game.

I just got back from the Vikings game. They won. But we parked liken 987 blocks away from the dome, and when we were leaving it was raining and very, very cold. My hands are still frozen.

I really should be cleaning my house in anticipation of the millions of people that are coming over for dinner on Thanksgiving. At the very least I should take the leftover Halloween candy off the couch. But that's just so much work. I'd rather do the dishes. So that's what I'm going to do.....

1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

You like the kitty! I'm so happy that Tabby Wabby doesn't make you crabby!