Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Only four episodes left....

and then I have completed watching the entire O.C. series. I can't watch any episodes tonight because I have to watch the Biggest Loser and Law & Order: SVU. But, tomorrow night I may be able to finish it off. This makes me a little bit excited and a very bit sad. sniffle....sniffle.....

I have added a New Year's resolution to my list. I am going to break up with semi-expensive beauty products. I am going to try really, really, really hard to not buy any more philosophy or bare escentuals. Except I need to continue using philosophy supernatural foundation and bare escentuals bisque for concealer, but that's only because they have really helped my skin. But I am done with pro-activ. and amazing grace. and all of the yummy 3-in-1's. This is going to be hard. But it is necessary. And I'm ready. Plus, I have enough stockpiled to get me through to at least May.

OK, I'm going to go finish watching TBL and I still have to figure out what I'm wearing to work tomorrow.......

1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

how tragic. only 4 episodes left. maybe since the writers are on strike they'll bring it back. and you can watch it again, with commercials.