Wednesday, January 02, 2008


It's already Wednesday. I rather like having a day off in the middle of the week- it should make the work week go so much faster.I had an excellent New Year's eve. Ryan, Marissa, Summer, Seth and I hung out, along with the rest of the Cohens and Julie Cooper-Nichol. Yes, they are the characters on The O.C. I am on episode 16 of season 3. What am I going to do when I have completed watching the entire series?

I realize that my New Years resolution of reducing my chai tea intake was perhaps a cop out to avoid choosing an actual resolution that could make me a better person. But I really don't feel like working on things like how I should be less judgmental or that I should be nicer to people. And losing weight isn't something I want to use as a resolution, because I've been working on that for years. I'd rather work on something where I can visibly see the results and chart my progress. I can give myself a gold star every time I pass a Starbucks or Caribou and don't stop in and give them the equivalent of an hours salary in exchange for a latte. Maybe next year I will work on my character flaws.

Today I am wearing the bracelet that my sister brought me home from New York. The one that she thinks is authentic Tiffany just because it's stamped "Tiffany & Co." She says the guy she bought it from on the street said he bought them in a wholesale lot and that they are real. I hope she didn't pay more than $15 for it, because although it is a very cute bracelet, it is very "inspired by Tiffany", which equates to a fake. But it is very pretty.

According to the T-Mobile rebate website, they are going to honor the rebate I submitted for Princess Zalyssa's sidekick. The guy at the store told me that I could not get the rebate because I did not sign up for the $20 per month internet plan. The rebate status on their website says that I have "qualified" and the check is pending. I won't hold my breath until I have the check in my hand, but I am pretty excite about the prospect of an extra $50.

Ok, off to the O.C........

1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

How come, regular week or short, the weekend always goes too fast?