Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Nothing to say.....

It's hard to blog when you have nothing to say. And I don't feel like I have anything to say. Good thing that won't stop me from trying, huh? My free time is currently being consumed by a quest to lose weight. And Facebook. I sort of have an addiction to Facebook. I spend hours (and hours, sometimes) a day feeding my fishies, icing people on mafia wars, and lurking on people's profiles. I also, with the help of a couple of enablers, started a cult. Because cults are way cool. It's actually turning out to be not unsuccessful, and it amuses me greatly. I am also greatly entertained by new fbf (facebook friend) Sam. He has a quite hilarious page about referring to conditioner as cream rinse. It makes me AGU (audibly giggle uncontrollably) sometimes.

Saturday is my first pedicure of the season. CAN! NOT! WAIT! I really need one, I have had to resort to polishing my own toenails. And this will be the first ever appointment booked by ZarahZou, so we are not quite sure if it is for 2 people with 2 feet at 9 am, or 9 people with 2 toes at 2 pm. I guess we will see on Saturday at 9 am. That means I have to get up at 7 am. On a Saturday. But a pedi is totally worth it.

I tried to get drunk last Saturday night to help me sleep since I've been sick and unable to sleep. But even after 52 quarts of vodka, all I had to do was pee really bad. And I felt a slight bit tipsy-ish. But not drunk. that made me sad.

A week ago I had beautiful fingernails. But, sadly, 4 of them have met their demise. Is it pathetic to cry over broken fingernails? Because I am. They were so lovely. And now they suck.

I'm out of things to say. But I am blaming the large quantities of cold medication that I have consumed. As soon as I am no longer eating Sudafed by the handful I will try blogging again.

1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

I resorted to painting my toe nails, too (all ten of them). We really should have made an appointment a month ago when it was warm out.