Monday, December 31, 2007

I resolve to....

I am going to work on the chai tea latte addiction as my new years resolution. I think I did well last year with the kicking of the lip gloss habit - I only bought 4 or 5 (or so) new lip glosses all year! So this year I think I can quit the chai tea's. This will be despite ZarahZou enabling me with a wonderful Christmas gift of a Starbucks gift card. She also gave me like 7 or 8 mostly used gift cards. $.63 for Target, $.47 for Caribou, $.72 for Super America, a 2 minute calling card. I heart ZarahZou. She's hilarious. She made me laugh a lot. Semi-used gift cards are the next hot thing.

Anyhow, back to the chai tea thing. It should be fairly easy to kick the chai since I have a completely new addiction. That would be watching The O.C. I used my Christmas money (thank you, favoritest mother-in-law ever) to buy all 4 seasons. I could either buy all 4 seasons packaged together in a cute little plastic case for $135 or I could buy each season individually in cardboard cases for $20 per season. As much as I wanted to spend the extra $55 for the plastic case, I opted to purchase each season individually. Since last Wednesday I have watched the first two seasons- that would be 51 episodes. And I worked Thursday, Friday and today. I am Obsessed Completely. I didn't start watching the show until the season finale of season 1, but I watched every single episode after that, so I am just basically re-watching what I've already seen. Am I pathetic or dedicated? I should note that it is 9:00 on New Years Eve and I am taking a break from watching to check my e-mail.

ZickyZou and I pretty much spent all weekend in bed recovering from very bad colds. But it worked out well because he could watch the tv and I could watch The O.C. on the portable dvd player with headphones. Sad?

Ok, enough about Californyaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.

My Christmas was most excellent, except for the whole being sick part. I'm almost better now, but Nick just started being sick. He thought I was faking how sick I was until he caught it. I told him to stay away from me, but he didn't listen. Shouldn't he know by now that I am always right?

I am going to start season 3 since it is only 9:15. I can get in 3 episodes before bedtime. Except season 3 is the last season with Marissa. I'm not sure I want to live through this one again. Merry New Year!

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