Sunday, April 27, 2008

I'm not really a waitress,,,,

But I do have really pretty toes. "I'm not really a waitress" is the name of the OPI nail polish that I have on my toes. I got my first pedicure of the season yesterday, and it was most excellent! I like pedicures. After the pedicure, ZarahZou and I went to a Chinese buffet for lunch. I like Chinese buffet's, too. It was an excellent day. I also got my Pampered Chef products. it was almost like Christmas. I got so many fun things. I can't wait to use them.

ZickyZou thinks I'm brilliant. He told me so about 50 times. We went out for Chinese Friday night. Like I always do, I dipped my egg roll first in the spicy mustard then in the sweet & sour. He told me that it looked disgusting. I told him it was most excellent and to try it. He did. And he liked it. And told me that I was absolutely brilliant for inventing it. And he told me a zillion times over the rest of the night how brilliant I am. It's the little things.

I'm going back to Weight Watchers. The third time might be the charm. Hopefully. I'd really like to lose 30 pounds. But I'll settle for 25. I weigh about what I weighed the first time I joined WW. And I was able to lose 25 pounds. too bad I couldn't keep it off. This time I am more determined.

I'm selling my pink Coach pebbled leather handbag on ebay. It's going to be hard, but it's time to let it go. Plus I need to $$. So, I'm off to take pictures of it.....

1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

I'm not a waitress either, but from the glipses I've seen of my toes. I like them. We should go get another pedi. We need to practice getting pedi's before you get your real pedi for FL