Saturday, October 14, 2006

The dangers of low rise jeans!!

It's been quite a while since I have "blogged". It's not really that I have been too busy, just that I have so many things to do. The laundry monsters come in every night and take the clean clothes and put them in the hamper so that it seems like I am doing two or three loads a night! Well, maybe not quite that many, but it seems like I am washing more clothes than we could possibly wear. The other day I looked at each and every single piece individually before it went into the machine to make sure that someone had actually worn it. And they had. What is going on?

I went to the grocery store to get things to make chili today. What a nice day for it, it is cold out and it is cold in since I haven't turned the heat on yet. So Iw ore my fantastic fitting ultra-low-rise jeans from Old Navy. I couldn't find the belt that fits around my hips, so the pants go low, low, low. As I was reaching across the conveyer belt to grab the two liters of Diet Pepsi Jazz that was on sale for 2 for $1.00, I felt my sweater rise up. Normally something I would not even take notice of, except I felt a chill and then I realized that the entire store could see my thong. If I were 30 pounds thinner, this could be considered sexy. But since I'm not, I became THAT PERSON. That person that should not be wearing a thong and low-rise jeans. That person that people assume is trying to show off what she does not have. That person that makes a spectacle of themselves that people stare at. That person I so often laugh at, feel sorry for, tell stories about. It was me! I am now the story that people will use as an example. "Guess what I saw at the store today?" AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!! It is probably a good thing that I have a healthy self-esteem and can find humor in my fashion faux pas. Otherwise, who knows how I would feel right now. I can only giggle.

Any volunteers to clean my toilets?

I got an e-mail the other day with the instructions to say one word about the person that sent it and e-mail the word back to them and then to send the e-mail out to my e-mail friends asking for them to say one word about me. I got funny, silly, smart and considerate. Considerate? That was really, really nice of the person to say. I was excited to get that word. I was afraid I was going to get annoying, selfish, or something like that.

The gophers are down by 2 touchdown in the first quarter. At least there are only 3 quarters left. I need to vacuum the living room, bring my summer shoes upstairs, fold clothes, sweep, and clean the toilets. Oh, and make the chili that I am really looking forward to. I am using the cheap hamburger that was on sale for $1 a pound. And the chili beans were on sale, so were the tomatoes. I'm going to make a vat of it and freeze some. And serve it with cornbread when Nick gets home from working on his car. The gophers just got a field goal! Now they are only down 14-3. My guess would be that the axe is staying in Wisconsin. The vikings can't lose tomorrow since they don't play, so at least something good will happen in my sports world this weekend.

Ok, I'm off to do my chores. Wouldn't it be lovely if I had a self-cleaning house? Or if I could take some high speed out of my computer???

1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

LMAO. You were totally rocking the VPL (visible panty line). Thank goodness, I always say no to crack. Except for that one time when my dad and I were plumbing so we both pulled our pants down so our cracks were showing. My mom felt it necessary to capture that Kodak moment. Fortunetly, I was wearing a thong, so no crack only thong was showing.