Thursday, October 05, 2006

I'm a car-pooler!!

I've never really car-pooled before, but this week the temp has been meeting me at Target and driving me to work. Awesome! Even though she smokes about a pack on the 20 mile drive, it still is nice to just sit and have her worry about traffic. It was her idea, and she really wanted to do it. Now I have to decide how much $$ to give her? Suggestions?

My feet still hurt!!. Really, really bad. What do I do?

Gas was $2.079!! That's practically free.

Tomorrow is ZickyZou's birthday!

Next Wenzday I am going out to lunch with ZarahZou. I miss her. It is very sad when I have something to say, and I turn around to say it but no one is listening.

1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

Figure out how much gas you'd spend round trip, then times it by 5 and then divide by 2. Or just figure out what you used to spend on gas in a week and divide it by two. I'd add another couple bucks (maybe 10 to 15% like a tip) for the wear and tear your car is not getting.