Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Trick or Treat???

It's been dark for exactly 26 & 1/5 minutes, and no trickortreaters have come to my door. That means that I may need to eat 7 pounds of candy. oh, well. worse things could happen.

Consider this sentence the extent of what I am writing about work.

So do I really start a novel tomorrow? I have so many idea's running through my head, but they are more along the lines of short stories. I am reading a book that is starting out pretty blah- At Risk by Patricia Cornwell. I have enjoyed every book of hers that I have read. But I am on chapter 5 of this one and I am just not feeling it. But I am going to finish it before I can move on to the next book. And who knows, it might get better.

Still no trickortreaters. I even have my fake-o-matic pumpkin sitting on a chair. I turned on my "porch" light, which turns on the garage light. So it's well lit. I guess it's only 20 after 6, so there's still time, but I'm impatient.

I'm going to go watch Wheel-of-Fortune and eat some pounds of candy.....

1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

We too have had no trick-or-treaters, but that's okay, more candy for me, I mean us. Are you staying up until midnight so you can start writing tonight/tomorrow? Me either.