Sunday, April 08, 2007

Born to shop....forced to cook

Zalyssa and I went out to the Albertville outlet mall yesterday. I bought myself the cutest dish towel and pot holder. They say "Born to shop, forced to cook", and they are sooooo cute.

I also bought myself a Coach primary color scribble hangbag. I won't say how much $, just that it is an investment piece. It is so cute, but it is not an everyday handbag, just something you would use for special occasions.

I also bought some new artwork to hang in the kitchen and living room. I think I am just about done with the decorating and am ready for new carpet. I have no wall space left.

We had a most excellent Easter dinner. I made a 65 pound lasagna, ham, green bean casserole (yummo) and garlic bread. And carrot cake. Zalyssa helped- she made the green beans, the cake and a marshmallow-fruit cocktail salad. When everyone left I just threw the dishes in the dishwasher on the hot water pots and pan cycle. I hope that cleans them. My house is sparkly clean, the dishes are washing themselves, I am stuffed, the only thing that would make today better would be if I didn't have to go back to work tomorrow. Why didn't I take two weeks off???

Ok, I am going to go and sit on the couch with ZickyZou for a couple of hours.

1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

I was so in Becker yesterday! Congrats on your newest handbag, um, investment. I'm sorry your vacation is over, but I am glad that I'll be able to email you tomorrow regarding said vacation. And, on Tuesday, when Zippy is back at work, I have to remember to schedule a delivery - we have quite the stack of magazines for you. And we are getting a new one! Time!