Monday, April 30, 2007

Yogurt covered raisins...

Generally speaking, I don't like raisins. But I went to Aldi on Saturday and bought some, and they are very, very good. Very bad for you, but they taste good.

Disturbia is a super good movie.

I ordered some philosophy foundation from 20% off, free shipping, a ton of free samples, and the shipping was super-fast. Next time I am in need of some philosophy products, will be my first choice. This was my first purchase from there, I read about it on the qvc bulletin board. Oh, and an 8% rebate from mr.rebates. Since I wanted to buy the foundation anyway, and it is the same price wherever you go, this was an AWESOME deal.

I wish I could find a way to motivate myself to list some items on ebay. I have a ton of stuff, it jsut takes so much time.
Plus I need Zalyssa to help me use the camera, as I am totally inept.

Last year at this time we were packing and getting ready to move. We have been here for almost a year. Time flies.

ok, I am going to exercise before it gets too late.

1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

What is Mr. Rebate? Is this something I should know about?