Wednesday, December 19, 2007

100% done Christmas Shopping!

Yippy! I just bought my final gift tonight. I am very excited. Now if someone would just wrap the presents for me......

I also finished selling my stuff on ebay. On $242 worth of stuff, I am profiting about $3.62. If I continue at that rate, I can retire in the Year 3000 when the Jonas Brothers 7th album comes out and goes multi-platinum and outsells Kelly Clarkson. And now that stupid song is stuck in my head again.

I am now considered a regular at the post office. The clerk lady told me so. I guess that's what happens when you go there every day for a week & 1/2. If all the ebay people would pay at once, I could ship everything at once. Oh, well. I like waiting in line.

Jamie Lynn Spears being pregnant kinda makes me feel ill. I'm really not too happy about teen pregnancy being glamorized. Being 16 and pregnant is not really something to be proud of. It's not exactly an accomplishment. Oh, well. To each his own, I suppose.

Ok, now I really need to go and wrap some presents......

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