Friday, December 14, 2007

That stupid Longaberger pen...

Ok, so I still feel guilty about stealing the pen from the basket party. I know she would have told me I could have it if I would have asked. It was a REALLY nice pen.

Anyway, some kid came to the door selling the Star Tribune. The last time we got the paper 7 days a week, I ended up recycling 72 pounds of unread paper. So I told the poor kid no. He tried a hard sell, he gets a savings bond for college, I'll save the world, feed starving children, etc, etc. But I stood my ground. No more paper. We get the paper on Saturday and Sunday. That's plenty of paper for us. So he gives up and asks me if I will fill out a quick card thing so that he can prove he talked to me and that I said no. Ok, fine. I can do that. He gives me his little clip board and pen. I try to fill out the form, but his pen doesn't work. Instead of doing the smart thing and saying "see ya, bye", I said I'd go get a pen. The first one I could grab is the really nice Longaberger pen. So I filled out the rest of the form, and told him he could keep the pen so he would have one that worked. That good deed officially absolves me of any guilt I felt about stealing the pen in the first place since I gave it to some kid fundraising to save money to adopt orphans or whales or something. But I miss the pen already. I liked that pen. It was such a nice pen.

All I want for Christmas is a Longaberger pen.

And on that note, I am off to re-heat dear husbands dinner and then he is going to give me a foot massage because he loves me. And I love foot massages. This arrangement works well.

1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

That was very nice of you to give away your favorite pen that you stole. You really have the Christmas spirit. But, if you would have killed a forest to get the newspaper, you could have saved the world. Something to think about.