Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election returns

For some reason, I find watching election returns to be fascinating. Actually, I think it might be the whole process of democracy. We get the privilege of voting, and that's huge. I like presidential elections because the whole concept of the electoral college is just fascinating (didn't I use that word already?).

I am, however, deeply disturbed by the people that oppose gay marriage. The people I know personally that are against it have been unable to give me any reasoning that even gives me anything to think about as far as my opinion. The only real argument they have is "It destroys the sanctity of marriage" or "Marriage is supposed to be between a man and a woman and the bible says....". Ok, will someone please tell me exactly how allowing a gay person to have a legally recognized commitment to the person they want to spend the rest of their life with destroys the sanctity of marriage? I'd actually really like to understand this. The only people that could destroy the sanctity of my upcoming marriage are me and Nick. That's it. Our marriage will be about our personal and lifelong commitment to each other. And only one of us would have the power to do anything to harm that. It doesn't matter who marries who or what the neighbors are doing. If people were really concerned about the "sanctity of marriage", perhaps they should first work on the divorce rates. And infidelity. The very people that are speaking out against gay marriage are screwing around on their spouse, or are divorced and re-married. And it really, really makes me mad that a convicted child molester/murderer can get married as long as they marry someone of the opposite sex, but yet a highly moral, law abiding gay couple can not. I just don't get it. And the bible was written 18 million years ago. Times have changed and our laws and morals need to change along with them. I don't understand how anyone could be against 2 consenting adults pledging to be together till death do they part.

Ok, it's past my bedtime.....

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