Saturday, November 25, 2006

Happy Saturday!

Thanksgiving was most excellent. And my house is still fairly clean. That means I don't have to do much of anything today. Sit around and watch tv. ZickyZou is going to hang out with some of his friends and play video games, MissZalyssa is at her dad's. That means the house (and all the leftovers) are mine.

My closet is fantastic! I would post a picture, but the only digital camera we have is on Zalyssa's phone since she broke my real one. I love my new closet. And the bars are not coming down. I doubt you get them down even if you wanted to. and the bars are not connected, so if one were to fall, the other would stay up.

I don't really feel like blogging. I would rather go sit on the couch and do nothing. I have been trying to read a book, The Final Victim", by Wendy Corsi Staub, but it is really hard to get into. I have read a couple of her books and enjoyed them, but this one is slow. But I am not picking up another book until I finish this one, so that is certainly incentive to get it read.

I am also trying to decide if I should get dressed today. I am very comfortable in faded pajama pants and a holey sweatshirt. But I could not go and get the mail in these clothes. You can see my purple underwear through the thread-bare pajama pants. I don't know why I haven't disposed of these. I have numerous pairs of newer pajama pants. They are just not nearly as comfortable as these.

OK, off to read my boring book......

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