Friday, February 05, 2016

Give me some chocolate and a magazine.....

Friday!! It's been a VERY long week. But I am 8 hours away from starting the weekend! Some much needed BFF time with C-C-W tonight. We are doing dinner and drinks and I'm catching her up on the drama that has keep me from blogging the last couple of days. But I'm good now. And NO ONE will keep me away from writing. No one deserves to have that much power!

I had a great dinner last night with a great friend and it was another reminder how fortunate I am to have such amazing people in my life. And sometimes I get so wrapped up in my life that I forget that other people are going through stuff, too. Since we were "willing" to sit at the bar, we got a coupon for a free appetizer. The choices were a 20-30 minute wait for a table or sitting at the bar and getting a free app. Um, it wasn't even a choice! So then we shared a steak. And it was freaking amazing. Sometimes with all the healthy food choices I've been making, I forget how good real food tastes.

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