Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Under the moonlight, this serious moonlight.....

There is supposed to be a HUGE snowstorm later today. I so love spending 118 hours in my car trying to get home. And tonight I have a dentist appointment. Will this be the 8th visit in a row with no cavities?? Fingers crossed.

I am, yet again, wearing a pair of pants that are too big for me. They are going to have to go in the donate pile when I get home. I'm going to be down to 1 pair of dress pants, a pair of yoga pants, and 2 pairs of jeans. I guess this is a good thing, but I like having clothing options.

I bought the cutest pair of boots this weekend. I now have quite the boot collection. For someone that doesn't even like wearing shoes and socks, I own a lot of boots.

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