Monday, February 01, 2016

I'll talk but you won't listen to me....

Monday! Again! (Insert stale, overused joke about Monday being my 7th favorite day of the week). I had a great weekend of laundry. I am almost caught up. Almost, but not quite. Also, lots and lots of Netflix.

I learned a very valuable lesson about drunk facebooking Saturday night. There was someone I absolutely NEEDED to delete. Mostly because I am so sick of the posts begging for money and playing the "oh, woe is me. my life is horrible" game. You have created your own circumstances, and expecting your facebook friends to continually give you money is just not okay. So, anyhow, I managed to handle the deleting okay. But when I went to block, I accidentally sent a friend request. So I cancelled it and tried to block again. And sent a friend request. This happened several times. Apparently there is not a block feature available from the ipad facebook app. I know that now.

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