Tuesday, September 12, 2017

I wanna get you in the Georgia dome on the fifty yard line....

Tuesday!! The Vikings won last night! SKOL!! I was pleasantly pleased with both the offense and the defense, I really thought we'd blow it because it was MNF and historically we don't play our best on Monday nights. And Moss was there! He's one of my all-time favorites.

I need to remember to call and make pedi appointments for me and ZarahZou for the 16th. A pedicure is long overdue! And I could use some Zarah time. I miss her!

For the game, my LulaWear was purple leggings with white polka dots and a non-Lula Vikings t-shirt.

Today's outfit is a purple background Cassie with a cream colored Perfect and a solid black Lindsay. The Lindsay was a huge score! Cassies are my ultimate favorite Lula item. I was scared to try them because they are advertised as "pencil skirts".  And since I'm 5'3 and um, pleasantly plump, a pencil skirt is a huge fashion no-no. But one of my favorite sellers was doing a buy one get one, so I decided to try them out. And I fell in love. I have amassed quite a collection of amazing Cassies, including a black with red polka dots and a solid black. I can not wait for cooler weather to wear a Cassie with boots!!!


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