Saturday, July 29, 2006

My house smells good!

I just got back from Target. I redeemed over $15 in coupons! I had many valuable coupons for Glade plug-ins and fans and other good-smelling stuff. Target had a lot of these items on clearance, so I had $3 off coupons on things that were on clearance for $4.29! I am kind of liking this coupon thing. So now my house smells like a combo of Fresh Linen and Summer Floral. yummy!

I woke up early and watched "Underworld Evolution". It was weird, but mildly entertaining. Last night I watched "She's the Man". When I have completed my blogging for the day, I will partake in "Benchwarmers" I heart Blockbuster - no late fees!

ZarahZou went on an interview to go to Hawaii. (aka another job) Why would she even remotely consider leaving the wonderful establishment she now vacations in? Why would she find even a little amount of stress in having an alcoholic, spreadsheet addicted boss; fabulously smart co-workers who only slightly lack common sense; a place where the workload is very evenly distributed; no one (not even two people) spends over half the day walking around talking about how they have no work to do while other people are forced to come in early/stay late to get their job done; a puppetical (new word coined) manager on very short strings who does the bidding of a higher-up who really, really smells like he fell into a vat of moonshine. There are no Iowegians who speak in condescending tones and expect instant responses to elaborate requests. Plus, the manual is done. There is no Arizona. No painted desert, no Sedona. If there was a Grand Canyon, She could fill it up with the lies he's told her. But they don't exist, those dreams he sold her, She'll wake up and find There is no Arizona. (Copyright Jamie O'Neal) Those lyrics certainly seem fitting of the whole "Once the manual is done, it'll all work out" theory. Good thing I didn't believe it or fall for it. I also didn't fall for the whole "It's better to make less money, because then your raises are higher percentages". I'm smarterer than most people.

What's for lunch? I bought some cantaloupes, so maybe I'll cut one of those up. that'd be good.

ok, I am off to enjoy my linen-floral house while watching a movie......

1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

You describe our work environment with frightening accuracy. It would be funny if it wasn't me. Love the "vat of moonshine" comment. Brilliant! I got you some stuff from Hawaii, my treat. I'll bring it Monday.