Saturday, July 22, 2006

Why, oh why???

Ok, so it's Saturday morning and I should be getting dressed so I can go and get my oil changed. I have, however, encountered a roadblock the size of a small city. It is a zit. And not just any zit. It is one of those terrible under-the-skin cyst ones. I have not had a problem of this magnitude in maybe 2 years since I have been using ProActiv and it's generic counterpart, KlearAction. all of a sudden, it hits. No one who has not experienced this issue on a recurring basis for years can possibly understand the trauma of it. After doctors and dermatologist and using every product known to man, both over the counter and prescription, to get in under control and then to have it come back is practically devastating.

Ok, enough with the drama. I must now force myself to get dressed. I am 150 miles overdue for the oil change, and that will usually result in a lecture from the trusty mechanic I usually just call Dad. He puts the mileage I must not surpass on a sticky note on my dash so that I can't possibly forget to get my oil changed. I usually only go over my 750-800 miles. Then I get to hear about of the internal damage that I could be doing by note having the oil replaced every 2500 miles. 2500 miles is like every 5 days with how long my commute is.

Then I am going to pick up my child and take her to Walmart because it's cheap and we need some groceries. (plus the stuff for quiche). I have a list, and we are only purchasing the items on said list. Except for things like ice cream and chips, which don't really count as purchases if theya re not on the list, right?

Then I am going to come home and vacuum, sweep and mop. Plus there is a load of clothes in the dryer that has been there for 2 days. I should probably fold them. And then I am going to read more of the book I am currently reading, Bookends by Jane Green. She is probably the kind of writer I'd like to be. Not quite Sophie Kinsella, but like a Kinsella-wanna-be. If I were not so lazy, my novel would be complete and I would have hundreds of rejection letters. Unfortunately I've been on chapter 7 for the past year and a half.

Ok, off to the make-up drawer. God bless Leslie Blodgett and Bare Escentuals. If anything can cover the atrocity on my face, it's Bare Minerals foundations. Happy Saturday!

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