Saturday, July 22, 2006

Unfortunate change of plans

So why am I sitting in front of the computer instead of getting my oil changed? Because I have a flat tire! Nice, huh. So I called my trusty mechanic (Zad the Dad) and left him a message that I would come over after ZickyZou (the boyfriend) woke up to put on my spare, but Zad called me back and said he would be over in a few minutes to change it and fix it. All the while, ZickyZou is upstairs sleeping. Good thing he's not like a MECHANIC or anything, huh? Wait a second, he is. That's why I'm marrying him. Oh, well. he'll probably be pleased that Zad is on the way. Why do anything yourself that you can have someone else do.

I was planning on a trip to the store to get something for lunch. Now I am trapped and starving. Plus, my car is blocking the Zick's car in the garage, so I can't even steal his car for a trip to McD's or something. I'm probably anemic or something. It's been 3 hours since my fried egg sandwich. I guess I could have a brownie or cereal. Ick!

I just watched a show on Discovery Health about a couple from Australia who have 5 kids under 3 and are pregnant with quads. They have like 1 two year old and 16 month old quads, and four more on the way. Sadly, one of the quads dies in utero, and they give birth to triplets. That is 8 freekin' kids under 3 years old. I have my hands full with 1 14 year old. I can not imagine that many kids, even though Grandma helps every day. Can you imagine the laundry, or the diapers. Holy wow! I am about to have myself committed just thinking about it. I have no desire to have more children. I love my Zalyssa to pieces and would die for her, for but that doesn't mean I need more kids. I can't imagine my life without her, especially since she's been a part of it since I was 16, but I have no real longing to do the diapers, bottles, and midnight feedings all over again. When you have one child just about ready to start driving, why would you want one just learning how to walk?

Ok, off to the empty cupboard to find something to eat....

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