Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Wheel of Fortune

I'm watching wheel of fortune. The first word in the puzzle is assistant. No one has bought an "i" yet, so in big letters across my television screen it says ASS_STANT. Am I childish to find this just a little bit funny? I'm also looking at my exercise machine wondering if I dare to try it again after my last injury. I am very injury-prone. I wonder if I can sue the manufacturer some sort of distorted "Loss of Consortium" since I can not wear any shorter skirts due to the fact that half of my leg is a funky purply-bluey-pinky-red color? So I could exercise or I could take a shower and go to bed. This is a hard decision. I know the smart choice, but I am feeling rather dumb, I think.

And I can't decide what to wear tomorrow. It seems like every item in my closet is either too big, too small, or I wore it this week already. I want to plan tomorrow's outfit around a comfortable pair of shoes since today I really suffered for fashion. The plastic shoes are cute! cute! cute!, but they do not stretch or move, and my feet hurt.

I bought these super cute shelves from Target, but in order to put them up I'll need a tape measure, pencil, screwdriver, level, and probably a drink or two. It seems impossible. I guess when you spend $10 for 3 shelves, they are probably not easy-installation..

Does anyone besides me really not care about Rockstar:Supernova? I watched the first week, and I am so over it. Why don't they re-run old Cold Case episodes instead? I love that show and can rewatch each episode 100 times since I have no memory retention.

Zalyssa is in the shower. As soon as she's out, I'm in. Then bedtime!

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