Thursday, December 07, 2006


Why am I having such a hard time writing new posts? It seems like whenever I get to use the computer, I spend my time reading posts on the QVC beauty board or the Gopherhole basketball board. I really should set a goal to write at least one post a day or something. One every other day? I doubt I'd run out of material because I have so much to say. Maybe I am just sick of complaining about my job??? Since I spend so much time each day there, it seems like I think about it a lot. I need to start leaving it all at the door when I leave there. I used to be able to do that, but ever since I started handling new business, I have been so stressed out and cranky. But when I was handling renewals, I was bored. I'll never be happy.

New episode of The O.C. tonight. I'm not sure what I think of Taylor and Ryan together??? I want Ryan to be happy, but I wanted him to be happy with Marissa. Yes, I know it's a tv show.

The Biggest Loser 3 finale is next week. I'd really like Kai to win. Mostly because I like her name. They have inspired me. I really wish that my foot would stop hurting so I could exercise more. I exercise every night until the pain gets to be too much. I do have a doctors appt. on Dec. 27th, so hopefully my dr. can fix me and make me better.

I'm tired, but not like sleep-tired. Like exhausted-tired. I'm going to finish watching ER and then go to bed....

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