Friday, November 20, 2015

We were liars in love and we danced....

Friday! Yay! Just need to make it through today, and I get a whole week off!! And Thanksgiving!!!

So there have been a lot of posts on Facebook about Paris and Syria and refugees and terrorists. Generally I would avoid writing about anything political, but I have just a couple thoughts I need to get out. I will preface this by saying my political affiliations run liberal. I was raised by a pro-union, card carrying Democrat, and I am supportive of most social programs. Yes, reform is needed. A lot of reform. But that is not what I want to write about. I will save that conversation for another day.

So, my personality and my instincts and who I am - I want to help people. I'm a helper and I'm a carer. I care about all of humanity. And I am so frustrated with seeing all of the anti-refugee posts. The fact of that matter is that if terrorists want in, they are going to get in. How can we deny helping innocent people, innocent women and children, who truly need our assistance?

Some of the people on Facebook that I know personally are posting about how we should help our homeless and vets here in the States before we help refugees. Well, of course we should! But why can't we help everyone? Helping people should not be limited to just one group. We all should help everyone who needs it. And the sad fact is that most of the people posting this are not helping anyone. They have never done any sort of volunteer work or donated money to a homeless shelter. They have not stocked the shelves at a food bank or spent an entire day sorting and folding clothes for a community closet. I have. Many times I have. I am doing my part. And if a piece of "my part" is wanting to help Syrian refugees, then I am entitled to do so. My wanting and yearning to help is not limited to any specific race or class or religion or country. I want to help as many people as I can, in as many ways as I can. The thing that we all have in common, regardless of where we live, who we love, and what we worship is that we are human. And no human in the entire world should go without food, clothes and a safe place to live. No human should live in fear of violence.

We should most definitely help our homeless and vets in the US. But that doesn't mean we can't also help those that are outside of the US. If we all worked together and helped everyone, the world would be a much better place. and really, isn't it our responsibility to make it that better place???

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