Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Yippee for me! I hit a hole-in-one in the United Way long putt competition today on my second shot!! It really doesn't;t mean much, a trip to the play-off's against people who golf twice a week, but at least I made it. I rock!

And since this is my blog and no one really reads it (except maybe Zarah Zou) I can write that I hit the hole-in-one while suffering from the worst cramps of my entire life. Like really, really painful cramps. Plus I'm cranky.

I bought a second pair of jeans from Old Navy. I now have a total of 4 pairs of jeans that fit. In case anyone cares, that would be 16% of my jeans that fit. Sad.

Watching the Twins is fun. They are playing so well, it is getting really exciting.

Miss Zalyssa still has a stomach ache, but it appears to be getting a little bit better. Now her hip hurts. I wish I could help her feel better. At least she is going to bed around 9:00 every night.

OK, it is getting late and I still have to fill up my water bottles and make Zicky Zou's lunch.....

1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

Congrats on your hole in one. Your rock. Sorry to hear about the cramps, but I feel your pain sister.